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Open Access Centre

Services provided by KTU researchers


Open Access Centre (OAC) is a tool for partnership between business and research. Information system APCIS includes more than 1200 services that are provided by KTU researchers and can be used by business and public organizations, as well as university researchers.

OAC is accessed as „one-stop shop“ system: request for research services is forwarded to technology transfer specialists who not only find researchers according to their competences but also consult regarding optimal service solution.

OAC services can be used by Lithuanian and foreign companies for scientific research, experimental development and innovation (R&D&I) activities, as well as new product creation. Research services also give opportunities to Lithuanian and foreign organization to participate in joint science projects and provide joint R&D&I services.

OAC activities are coordinated by National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre (KTU NIEC). Centre specialists link research services with business, also consult and manage activities in the areas of intellectual property protection and management, development of newly established companies (KTU Startup Space) and investment attraction.

National Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre

K. Baršausko str. 59
LT-51423 Kaunas

phone: +370 (672) 65 146

Research areas

Research area includes:

  • health monitoring,
  • medical information processing,
  • (bio)mechatronics technology
  • ultrasound measurement and diagnostics,
  • health telematics,
  • metrology and other topics.

Research area includes:

  • internet of things and services,
  • artificial intelligence,
  • data analytics,
  • interactive electronic systems and intelligent automated control systems,
  • cyber security and other topics.

Research area includes:

  • functional materials,
  • nanocomposites and thin-layer structures,
  • applied optics and photonics,
  • building materials and constructions,
  • organic photoconductors,
  • organic LED synthesis and other topics.

Research area includes:

  • food science and technology,
  • energy and thermal engineering,
  • transport engineering,
  • advanced environmental technologies,
  • functional polymer and silicate materials,
  • sustainable energy in the urbanized environment and other topics.

Research area includes:

  • innovation and technology entrepreneurship,
  • FinTech,
  • sustainable economy,
  • educational and public management research,
  • civil society and sustainable development,
  • digitalisation and other topics.


Julija Kravčenko

Technology Transfer Project Manager
K. Baršausko str. 59, room A448, Kaunas
phone: +370 698 57 989

Mindaugas Kemzūra

Technology Transfer Project Manager
K. Baršausko str. 59, room A448, Kaunas
phone: +370 608 96466

Odeta Pocienė

Technology Transfer Project Manager
K. Baršausko str. 59, room A447, Kaunas
phone: +370 674 57 461

Tadas Prasauskas

Technology Transfer Project Manager
K. Baršausko str. 59, room A448, Kaunas
phone: +370 674 94 935

K. Baršausko str. 59, room A448, Kaunas
phone: +370 672 65 146

Diagnostic and measurement technologies

Smart environments and information technology

New high technology materials

Technologies for sustainable development and energy

Sustainable growth and socio-cultural development

Request form

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